Achmea Foundation's organization
Achmea Foundation’s communication
The Foundation’s communication objectives have not changed from previous years: to increase awareness of the Achmea Foundation among Achmea employees and to increase the willingness to contribute to the activities of the Achmea Foundation. In addition, more external communication took place in 2021, particularly by means of LinkedIn, with the aim of increasing the foundation's profile among the general public and potential partners.
Financial position
In 2022, the Achmea Foundation once again contributed to making a sustainable impact on the socio-economic situation of the most vulnerable people in the Netherlands and in the sub-Saharan countries of Africa. A total of €1,551,000 has been committed and one new loan has been committed for €437,500.
The Achmea Foundation depends on the contribution of its sponsor, Achmea BV, for its existence. Every year, 0.5% of Achmea BV’s net profit is allocated to the Foundation. In 2022, a contribution €2,340,000 was received (based on Achmea BV’s 2021 result).
Asset management
The Foundation’s asset management strategy is a socially responsible investment strategy with a defensive risk profile. The Foundation invests the available assets in impactful ways. It excludes companies whose activities are incompatible with the social role of Achmea and the Achmea Foundation (for instance companies in the tobacco and coal industries).
In 2015 the decision was taken to go a step further. Since then the investment portfolio has consisted solely of companies that share our objectives. We also decide on a selection of indicators to measure the positive impact of an investment on people and society, taking into account the background and objectives of the Achmea Foundation. These indicators are used to select companies to invest in which, compared with their direct competitors, deliver a positive contribution. This policy also applied to the Foundation in 2022.
The strategic asset allocation has been set at 80% fixed-income securities and 20% marketable securities, whereby the fixed-income securities must include at least 50% government loans.
No investments are made in warrants, options and futures, while derivatives positions are authorised only to hedge the exchange risk arising from investments in fixed-income securities and marketable securities.
In this way the investment portfolio contributes to the Foundation’s work not only in financial terms, but also in terms of substance.
Risks and uncertainties
The risk profile expresses the key strategic, operational, financial, legislative and regulatory and reporting risks to which the Achmea Foundation is exposed.
The strategic risk is related to the objectives of the Foundation. It is the risk of not being able to make a sustainable contribution to improving the quality of the lives of people from disadvantaged social-economic backgrounds. Achieving this objective in the long term is dependent on Achmea’s contribution and therefore its result, and on the implementation of projects to which the Foundation makes a contribution. Given the nature of the Achmea Foundation’s activities, the Foundation regards this risk as limited, since the solvency position at year-end 2022 is sufficient to absorb any down years.
Achmea Foundation Board and administrative office
The Achmea Foundation is an independent Dutch foundation (stichting) funded by Achmea. The Board, comprised of seven members, one of whom is an advisory member, is supported by an operational administrative office whose director reports to the Board. The staff of the administrative office are employed by Achmea.
The Board feels an affinity with the core values, principles, standards and recommendations recorded in the Governance Code that has been developed for asset management funds by the SBF (collaborative federation of philanthropic organisations).